March 27th

This about sums up what I'm hoping to see out in our backyard forest habitat.  Hopefully winter weather, delays, and snow days are behind us and sunnier, warmer days are soon to come.  We've been very busy in the classroom over the last several weeks.  We're in the middle of two social studies units, biographies and the Maya.  Each unit has several art and writing projects that your child may tell you about.  If not, ask your child any of these questions and see what he or she has to say:

Who are you studying?  What is he or she known for?  What art materials are you using for your poster?  How would you describe this person in terms of character traits?  Brave, determined, etc.?

Who were the ancient Maya?  Where in the world did/do they live?  What is one theory of what happened to end their thriving culture?

To see some examples of our work, be sure to click on the Social Studies page and check it out!

I'll be adding photos and captions to the Math and Language Arts pages throughout the week and will post as an update on Friday.

Colonial Day - Thursday, June 8th (mark this off in your calendar if you can, you won't want to miss it!)

Homework Updates - Beginning next Monday, April 3rd, I will send home new Homework Menus to those families who expressed this preference in the Survey Monkey.  Please be sure to check in on your child's progress throughout the week and sign the top just like before.  Your child should turn in the menu the following Monday, and each one thereafter unless we have a Monday holiday or inservice day.

Important Upcoming Dates
April Break - April 17th-21st
2nd Grade Trip to Fort No. 4 - Thursday, May 11th


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